Tag Archives: proposal

Otherwise engaged

As many of you who follow me on Twitter will know, I have some very special news to share with you all. After nine and a quarter years together, a house, two full tours of Afghan and a mini one on the way, and two foreign postings (three if you count Scotland) The Boy finally decided to do the right thing, get down on one knee and ask me to be his wife.
I have to say, it wasn’t a complete surprise. We’ve probably been talking about it (much to his annoyance) for the last two years and have often discussed where said dream nuptials would take place.
That said I was beginning to give up hope that he would ever actually get around to asking me and was wondering what degree of bunnyboiling would be necessary to get him to take the next step.
I thought that something might be stirring when he volunteered to come to my parents house on Boxing Day before we both headed back to ours – around an hour away.
Then while he was there he did disappear into the kitchen with my dad and having heard him utter “There’s something I’ve been meaning to ask for a while now…” I scuttled upstairs in a fit of excitement in a scene reminiscent of Pride and Prejudice when Bingley asks Mr Bennet if he can marry Jane, as all her sisters excitedly dash around the house in fits of laughter. I have tried and failed to find a YouTube clip sadly!
So we both drove back home and decided that we would belatedly swap Christmas presents after having dinner.
I was determined to be a good girlfriend by making dinner, promised to cook Toad in the Hole only to get back and find that I didn’t have any eggs.
Toad on it’s own it was then… with a bottle of red wine to wash it down.
Then we went into the sitting room and after exchanging gifts I was handed one last small one to unwrap.
The Boy grinned as I guessed what could be inside the small black box.
Inside was the most beautiful ring. White gold with a single diamond it was everything I had ever hoped for.

Shine bright like a diamond
Shine bright like a diamond

Classic and timeless, I wouldn’t have been able to pick a better one if I had chosen myself.
I couldn’t help but burst into tears as he got down on one knee and slid the ring onto my finger. It fitted perfectly.
There I was, tears streaming down my face asking “Really? To ACTUALLY get married? Are you joking?”
Thankfully he wasn’t joking, although he did start laughing.
Cue the Champagne (a handy Christmas present)and an evening of celebrations before we broke the news to our families the following day.
I have to say there was rather a lot of Champagne drunk so I wasn’t actually in any fit state to talk to anyone until about 4.30pm!
When you think of a dream proposal you might picture a walk on the beach, a romantic restaurant, a grand public gesture – all us girls are guilty of fantasising about our handsome prince sweeping us off our feet thanks to a childhood diet of Disney films.
My proposal was low kew and personal. There were no fireworks, no singing waiters, no ring hidden inside a pudding. But to me it was perfect.
Here was the man I love, asking me to marry him. And the way he did it suited him to a T.
Since then I’ve spent two days in a happy little bubble, reading wedding magazines and contemplating where, when and how our big day might go.
Of course, there is the small matter of him having to go off to Afghanistan before we can actually start to really plan anything but at least I can keep myself busy doing some preparation so that when he gets home we can push forward with the real planning.
I can’t wait.

Keeping myself busy until he comes home again
Keeping myself busy until he comes home again